Lip Blush Healing Process

Lip Blush Healing takes you on a journey through the intricate process of your lips’ recovery after undergoing the transformative lip blush treatment.From the initial stages of swelling and tenderness to the final settling of color, each day brings new developments and considerations. Join us as we explore the nuances of lip blush healing, providing insights and tips to ensure a comfortable and successful recovery for your lips.

How Long Does the Lip Blush Healing Process Last?

The lip blush healing process lasts for most folks, it is a short 7-10 days.During this time the surface of your skin heals.But it takes about a month for the tissue underneath to fully recover.Which allows the pigments to settle.Once the peeling ends, your lip tattoo is healed.But If you plan a touch up, wait around 6 weeks to avoid permanent scarring.

 Lip Blush

Lip tattoos done with an electric PMU device involve tiny skin punctures.The artist creates various shading patterns for different styles.But the lip blush healing process is quite similar for all.Your lips go through stages, from swelling and tenderness on day 1 to peeling and color fading by day 10. Remember, patience is key and the true shade emerges within six weeks.

Aftercare is crucial, including avoiding wetting your lips excessively, refraining from picking at scabs and staying away from sunlight.By following these steps, you will navigate the 7-10 days of lip blush healing smoothly and ensuring your lips look their best in the long run.

Stages of the Lip Blush Healing Process Day by Day

Lip Blush

During the first day of the lip blush healing process, swelling and tenderness are common as your lips react to the treatment.Expect intense color, and apply ice packs to minimize swelling. By the second day, swelling decreases.But dryness sets in, causing discomfort.Your lips may start peeling by the third and fourth days, followed by minor peeling and color changes until day 10.


  • Swelling: Lips may swell after the lip blush treatment, a natural response to the procedure.
  • Tenderness: As the numbing effect wears off, you might feel tenderness or mild pain.
  • Color Intensity: Expect an intense lip color, but remember, it will fade significantly in the next few days.
  • Oozing Lymph: Initially, your lips may ooze lymph – it is normal, just blot it off as instructed.
  • Minor Bruising: Some clients may experience minor bruising, which will subside over time.
  • Ice Pack: Apply an ice pack to minimize swelling, ensuring the surface is clean to avoid any complications.


  •  Swelling subsides but lips may still be larger than usual.
  • Tenderness persists, and lips may feel sensitive to touch.
  • Dryness becomes more noticeable, causing tightness and potential chapping.
  • A scab film begins to form, indicating the healing process is progressing.
  • Lips may feel slightly uncomfortable, akin to a mild sunburn.
  • Applying prescribed moisturizing ointment helps alleviate dryness and discomfort.
  • Avoid touching or picking at lips to prevent uneven healing.
  • Eating in small bites and drinking through a straw minimize lip movement and scab disruption.
  • Appearance may not be attractive at this stage, but it is temporary.
  • Continuation of proper aftercare routine is crucial for optimal healing and results.


  •  Lips begin heavy peeling during days 3 and 4 of the lip blush healing process.
  • The scabby film formed earlier starts falling off in patches and strips.
  • Peeling typically starts from the center of the lips and progresses outwards.
  • Dryness persists, causing lips to feel tight and uncomfortable.
  • Application of prescribed moisturizer helps alleviate dryness and discomfort.
  • Itchiness may occur as the wounds continue to heal.
  • Resist the urge to pick at the peeling skin to prevent patchy healing.
  • Lips may appear less attractive during this phase, but patience is key.
  • Avoid touching or rubbing lips to allow the healing process to proceed smoothly.
  • Adhering to aftercare instructions is crucial for optimal lip blush healing during days 3 and 4.


  • Peeling continues during days 5-10 of the lip blush healing process.
  • The peeling is less intense compared to earlier days but may still be noticeable.
  • It is crucial to resist the urge to pick at the peeling skin to avoid disrupting the healing process.
  • The peeling typically starts to subside by the end of this period.
  • Color ghosting becomes more apparent during days 5-10.
  • Color ghosting refers to the appearance of the pigment beneath the peeling skin.
  • It may seem like the color is fading, but this is a natural part of the healing process.
  • The color will gradually re-emerge and settle into its final shade over the coming weeks.
  • Avoid panicking if the color appears lighter than expected during this stage.
  • Consistent aftercare practices help ensure optimal healing and color retention.

What to Avoid During the Lip Blush Healing Process

  • Avoid getting your lips wet, if they do become moist, gently pat them dry with a clean cotton pad.
  • Refrain from touching, rubbing and picking at your lips to prevent disruption of the healing skin.
  • Shield your lips from direct sunlight to prevent pigment fading and color alterations.
  • Steer clear of swimming, hot showers, saunas and steam baths to minimize the risk of infections and complications.
  • Avoid using toothpaste on your lips and abstain from applying makeup for at least 10 days to allow natural healing to occur.
  • Refrain from sleeping on your face and consuming spicy or salty foods that might exacerbate discomfort or irritation.
  • Skip alcohol, hot beverages and smoking as they can exacerbate swelling and dryness.
  • Avoid beauty treatments, teeth whitening procedures and kissing during the healing period to prevent infections and disruptions to the healing process.
  • Be cautious of activities that may cause irritation or compromise the integrity of the healing skin.
  • Follow all aftercare instructions provided by your artist or practitioner to ensure a smooth and successful healing process.

Is the Permanent Lip Color Healing Process the Same for All Styles?

During the lip blush healing process, it is important to avoid certain activities to promote proper healing.Firstly, avoid getting your lips wet and if they do get wet, dry them gently with a clean cotton pad.Refrain from touching, rubbing, or picking at your lips to prevent disrupting the healing skin.

Steer clear of exposing your lips to sunlight, as it can cause pigments to fade and colors to change.Avoid swimming, hot showers, saunas, or steam baths to prevent infections and complications.Refrain from using toothpaste on your lips and avoid applying makeup for at least 10 days to allow the skin to heal naturally.

Avoid sleeping on your face and consuming spicy, salty foods that may cause discomfort and irritation.Skip alcohol, hot drinks, and smoking as they can worsen swelling and dryness. Avoid beauty treatments, teeth whitening and kissing during the healing process to prevent infections and disturbances to the healing skin.By following these guidelines and practicing patience, you can ensure a smooth and successful lip blush healing journey.

Lip Blush Healing Process – Main Takeaways

The lip blush healing process involves several stages and requires patience for optimal results. During the first 10 days after the treatment, expect swelling, tenderness and intense color. Following the prescribed aftercare routine is crucial to ensure a smooth healing process and prevent complications.Remember to avoid touching and picking at your lips to prevent patchy healing.

Understand that color intensity may decrease over time, leading to color ghosting.Which is a normal part of the healing process.Despite initial discomfort, the healing stages are temporary and your lips will gradually return to their natural state.By following the recommended guidelines, being patient you will achieve beautiful and long-lasting results from your lip blush treatment.


How long does it take for lip blush to settle?

It takes about 6 weeks for lip blush to settle.

When can I kiss after a lip blush?

It is advisable to avoid kissing for at least 10 days after a lip blush treatment to prevent infection and ensure proper healing.

Do your lips peel after lip blushing?

Yes, your lips may peel after lip blushing.

Final Thought

The lip blush healing process is a temporary phase following the treatment, characterized by swelling, tenderness, and color changes.During this time, it is crucial to adhere to the aftercare instructions provided by your artist to ensure optimal healing and results.While discomfort and peeling may occur, patience and proper care will lead to beautifully healed lips that enhance your natural beauty.Trust the process, and soon you’ll enjoy the full benefits of your lip blush treatment.

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